I am currently absolutely taken with this book, Felting for Baby: 25 warm and woolly projects for the little ones in your life. Well, particularly with the booties project on the cover. Here are my baby steps over the past couple of weeks, each undertaken on a different day:
- bought roving in various colours at Weaving Works; I'm planning to use smoke (a silvery grey) and aubergine
- made it to the library and photocopied the bootie outline (I made both a 200 per cent enlargement as the pattern calls for and a 150 per cent enlargement)
- salvaged an empty milk carton from the recycling (this was much more difficult than it sounds because we are very fortunate to have my mother staying with us at the moment and she keeps the kitchen spic and span)
- washed said milk carton
- traced the bootie outlines onto the milk carton and cut the templates out
More updates as they come to hand.
Awww, I could imagine the difficulties in readjusting for you at the moment. Lucky for Mums!!
I can see why your smitten by the booties, they are so cute!
Here's to great 2010 Amelia, may you have a year of creativity, happiness, love, joy and unexpected op-shop finds : )
congrats on the new baby! And what fun..... when i get the time i would love to try and make some for my little girl, she's a few weeks away from walking :)
Thanks so much for wanting to make a dolly for dolly donations! That's lovely! Please send me a photo of him/her all done and i'll pop you on my blog with a link to your blog etc (Please tell all your friends too hehehe!!!)
thanks again, drop by any time,
Take care,
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