Really, my schedule was just a way of rationing my crime fiction intake because while there are plenty of good books out there, there are only so many Rebus novels. And now I have read them all. I won't add to the many reviews already available except to say that I enjoyed it and was satisfied with the ambiguity of the ending.
I have also caught up on some childhood reading - Help! I'm a Prisoner in the Library! - and Barbara Biggs' The Accidental Renovator: a Paris story. I was a bit disappointed with this one. It's just one outrageous disaster after another but lacks the depth of her two previous memoirs - In Moral Danger and The Road Home - which tell the amazing story of her earlier life, the sexual abuse that she survived as a girl and its profound repercussions for decades to follow. Possibly because it is set over a shorter period of time and for the most part addresses a much lighter topic, it lacks the narrative force and emotional development present in the earlier two books. Rather, emotionally speaking, there is a sense of smugness and complacency. I was also very disappointed with the quality of the publishing - there are glaring spelling mistakes and grammatical errors throughout - which for me detract from the reading pleasure.

We read all the main 'crimeys', and the husband is reading "Exit Music" ATM, which I suppose, means i'll be reading it next.
Before that, we read all the Patricia Cornwalls and James Patersons' ...
But I don't admit to it ( much :p ) and hate seeing them on my bookshelf, which I prefer to house books that leave an impact/stay with me a while.
Because really, although I enjoy them, I can't distinguise one Ian Rankin from the next. All a blur..
Love Rebus. I thought Exit Music provided such a satisfying ending. Have you tried Peter Robinson's series?
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