There is much to show and tell and I hope to get around to it in the next few days (ok, weeks) but I do just want to mention Pear Tree Products which is a new name to me. They were at the show displaying their yarn, which they have a separate site for, but they also produce bed and table linen and a range of cards (including this lovely image above). Look at the website to see the animated version.
But on to the important stuff - the wool. They have a small but comprehensive range of yarns, everything from 2 ply (lace weight) to 12 ply (worsted weight). And the colours are really beautiful, particularly the oishi-merino which is inspired by a range of 1920s vintage kimono fabrics. Imagine a lace shawl in vintage kimono colours - delicious indeed. They have a couple of local and online stockists and heaps in the US, including Purl Soho. I believe that you can also contact them to receive a catalogue.
I do like their little spiel: "Knitting is peaceful, creative , environmentally friendly, useful and above all therapeutic." I do so agree, which is why I am planning, despite all new year's resolutions to the contrary, to cast on for another pair of socks. No, I haven't even finished the other pair yet although it's just the grafting and ends to weave in. I need to have something on the needles, I need that therapeutic click click click.
Jo and I spent a while oohing and aahing over the Pear Tree yarns. They are beautiful and so softly coloured. I loved the pale apple green 8 ply.
I really don't nned more yarn - my stash grows larger every day, but I think I could squeeze some Pear Tree yarns in somewhere.
hi there i almost came back to tell you to check them out! I bought 2 gorgeous skeins in pink and green and its oh so soft and I love the natural colours! they were my best purchases the day
Hi Amelia! Thanks for the visit! Yes..I was sorry to have missed you at S&C too! I'd love to catch up sometime though! Let's chat soon! xx pip
Hi Amelia - found you through the sidebar at MeetMeAtMikes - I too am a little Golden Hands obsessed, but only have Vol 1. I am always on the lookout for more at Salvos though! I've just read through all your posts about them - thanks!
Hi Amelia, Thanks for sharing the most amazing little cardigan that you crocheted from an old cashmere jumper found at an op shop. Living Creatively were so pleased to have you on our stand and for your informative interviews. You are the op shop queen!!
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