I must admit that I am more than a little dismayed at the lack of finished items that I have to display (or not, as the case may be, or rather, is). I seem to have a severe case of finishitis or hyper-cast-onitis whereby nothing ever gets finished and I am constantly casting on for new projects. I'm almost embarrassed to mention the baby ballerina top (just how long has that been going on for now?) but now that I have, I'll update you. I started on a sleeve, knitting from the top down in order to not run out of yarn and got about 20 rows in when I decided that it was too wide and frogged it, to start again with a few less stitches. That's where that is at.
Jeremy, on the other hand, is completely knitted and just requires blocking and seaming. And some embroidery on the collar - I've bought the tapestry wool for that. Oh, I have no problem with gathering supplies, sometimes I feel as though I am drowning in them. I have also recently purchased the yarn for Lynda (Grignasco Bambi in #416 - so soft and a great range of colours) and assorted balls for another project which I will have to keep quiet about because it is to be a gift for someone.

And the tomten, the poor dear tomten which is probably the most interesting thing that I have knit lately is languishing, in want only of having the i-cord fastenings sewn on. Ah well, it'll wait another week. Indeed, i suspect that is part of the problem. Much of what I am knitting for baby bear is for her to grow into in the future so there is no great rush to finish, except for the displeasure of having all these unfinished projects laying around. So, even though it is not a new year's resolution, I have a knit resolution. Two finished items for every item cast on anew until I have a manageable number of projects on the go - say three.
And just to prove that I haven't been doing nothing recently, this was last night's dessert. You'll have to take my word for it that my version looked just as good for the evidence is long gone.
That's a very sensible knitting resolution, I might have to follow your lead. One of my biggest problems is the finishing off. I have several scarves just waiting for their ends to be sewn in.
Aaah, so it's not impossible to make a homemade tiramisu! Even if it is a "healthy" fruit filled version!!
I have some of those Golden Hands books, but I've never tried to make anything from one. The pictures are enough for me! Some of them are so funny.
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