I know that you can't keep everything but every now and then you do and it is so wonderful. Thank you to Tim's mum for having looked after this for nigh on 34 years.
New year knitting is proceeding well - I have a finished project! Alas, it is a gift project so it won't really be complete until it has been wrapped and given and that won't be until later next month. Now only one more finished object required before I can cast on for something new - yippee! I think that it will be the tomten, if only because that is my next closest-to-finished work. And what shall I cast on for then? Had I mentioned the three skeins of Noro Kochoran (shade #17) just waiting to become the next tomten? Then there's the Grignasco Bambi that's ready to become Lynda, not to mention two more pieces of gift knitting. Truly, I am so excited.
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