Alas, attending a knit-in and winning doorprizes is about as much as I feel I can do for feminist scholarship at the moment, or scholarship in general. I used to think that I would be a uni student forever; whenever I became interested in something my first thought was to do a degree in it. I used to feel that the structure of formal study was what was necessary to make my learning real, to validate it. Key words there are 'used to'. That structure of reading lists, essays, exercises, due dates, exams - I'm afraid that I have passed that phase in my life.
Where does this leave my health economics study? In limbo, until I finally get around to writing a letter asking to be officially discontinued. Sigh. More time to knit I guess.
Congrats on the door prize !
As for failure to finish the health economics study...let me point you back to your earlier post..why sit in a lecture theatre all day and then write 3000 word essays when you can be at home and watch BB play on her leggo telephone ?
The little people in our lives afford us an alternate education that is far more wondrous !
Lovely door prize. I too am definitely past exams and reading lists etc. The school of life is so much more flexible, and there is plenty to learn out there without having to deal with application forms and procedures!
Happy door prize. I love that colorway. I pet it every time I go to my LYS. They carry a couple pagewood farm bases & I haven't been able to make up my mind which one to get.
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