Anyway, I stopped by what must be one of Seattle's most idiosyncratic thrift stores today. It is held in the hall of the University Temple United Methodist Church on Fridays between 2 and 5 pm, accessed by the lane behind the church. Amongst dinner being prepared for the neighbourhood's needy and someone plinking away at the grand piano there are a number of racks of clothes, tables of stuff and shelves of homewares and books. And these things really are a bargain - the vintage sewing pattern, child's shirt and three Duralex glasses were a quarter (that is, 25c) each; a grand total of $1.25.
Alas the sewing pattern is missing the pattern piece for the sleeve. Truth be told, I do know how to draft one up myself but what a chore. Also truthfully, the pattern is a child's size 10 and baby bear being almost three I have years to psyche myself up for a bit of pattern drfating. I just really liked the picture on the packet.
I also like the red jacket on the right and have just the fabric for it - to be recycled from a pale aquamarine angora/wool coat that I bought at (wait for it) the Salvation Army, albeit in Zurich, last year. And fortunately all of the patterns come in a number of sizes so there are still years in which to procrastinate ...
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