Well actually, it's here in Seattle already. After a particularly dry summer when people's lawns turned brown and gardens actually needed to be watered, the rain for which Seattle is famous has started. I think that we are on day three of a forecast ten-day stretch. That's ok with me, I like the rain.
It's also a sign that it's going to get colder, soon, and my mind turns to ways to keep warm. After finishing Wallingford and being on the verge of completing my Sunrise Circle (it was blocking), I decided on a quick beret.

Pattern: Columbia beret by Sarah Pope of Blue Garter (a free pattern - thank you Sarah).
Size: Just the one but it fits me fine.
Yarn: Recycled J Crew 100 per cent wool in a dark burgundy.
Needles: I used my Addi Turbo 4.5mm circular which is probably a bit small for this wool but ideal for making a firmer fabric for a hat.
Start to Finish: 11 October 2009 to 12 October 2009.
Comments: I didn't knit the ties on top but just crocheted a little cord of ten or so stitches and made that into a loop.
Verdict: Alas, this may be a little to scratchy to wear. I'll have to see whether it still bothers me against my forehead when the weather is really cold. My meret is very soft and comfortable to wear and I can see myself reaching for that first. I also don't think that I achieved quite enough structure with the yarn that I used. I'm wondering whether a bit of a spritz and a quick spin in the clothes dryer may help this along.

Apart from these misgivings (all to do with my yarn substitution) I like this pattern and I really like the way the eyelets swirl. It also knits up very quickly for instant gratification (it took two days but the actual knitting was all completed within 24 hours with an overnight sleep thrown in). If I had ready access to the available yarn I might consider trying it again but as it is, if I don't end up wearing this version, I think that I'll look for something else to knit with yarn that I already have.
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