Happiness, it seems to me, is beyond that. It's an a priori state of being. There are a number of things that I am unhappy about at the moment - the frustration of not having a bank account or being able to work, missing my friends and support network in Melbourne, the stress of settling in here - but regardless, above and beyond those things, I'm happy.
So, in short, I think that there are things that you can be happy about (or unhappy about) but it's not within the power of things to make you happy. Having said which, here are six things that I am happy about:
1. My family - just delirious. The absolute joy that baby bear brings to my heart, the depth of love for my husband.
2. Where my creative processes are taking me; sometimes I feel a bit overwhelmed but am constantly inspired and that is uplifting.
3. Moving to a house in Seattle proper this weekend, out of this drab serviced apartment.
4. Having found some great knitting groups here - Kirkland Knitters, Purly Girls and Capitol Hill Knitters of Doom (all on ravelry).
5. Lovely new friends that I have made since moving here - hi Lisa, Anna, Blair!
6. The stunning natural beauty of the Puget Sound area (photo by Andrew Hitchcock, originally posted on flickr - thanks Wikimedia Commons).

Jenaveve, Jeanne, bird bath, Lisa, A, Pherenike - what are you happy about?
Further, the very lovely Angela of Three Buttons who hosts 'this is ...' has given me the opportunity to nominate this week's theme. And it is 'this is ... my trade secret'. Any tricks of your trade/craft, snazzy gadgets that give a lovely professional effect, any techniques that the rest of us would also benefit from knowing? Go on, do share!
Thanks for the mention Amelia! I have to agree with pretty much everything you are happy about... top things at the moment are my family and being a little more creative by taking up sewing this year and all the new friends I have made through it all over the world.
ooo thanks for the interesting topic for this week's "this is"!
Ooohhh... this one is going to be interesting! Great topic!
As former resident of the East Side (originally and currently in suburban St. Louis), I have to say your posts are making me truly homesick! LOL! I lived in both Kirkland (our first apartment together) and Woodinville (our first house).
I know you're missing home (who wouldn't?? never been to Melbourne, but I have been to Sydney, Manley, Cairnes...), but give Seattle a chance. I grew to love the area and the people so much that after 9 years when DH was transferred back to St. Louis, I cried for days. Even knowing we would be reunited with family and old friends who were still very close and very dear.
Good luck with the new house in Seattle!
I know you'll grow to love it, too!
great topic....a hardy but a goody!!
Now to think of my trade secret....hhhhhhm.
What a great topic for Sunday...I can't wait to see everyone's little secrets!
I have to agree with most of what you said about beeing happy. I,m happy when I'M together with my family. As for the this is topic it's absolutly fantastik. I just have to think about mine. I don't really have one though.
Hi Amelia,
I hadn't know you very long in Knitting circles before you left but wanted to say a quick hello from Melbourne. We missed you heaps on Wednesday @ Mojitos but am truly glad you are enjoying and finding new knitting friends.
I have had three major location changes in my life (2 different countries, Glasgow & Bangalore India and 1 different city, Bne to Mlb) It took me a year to settle in after both moves. The more active I became in the community the happier I became. It takes time and there were lots of tears but I wouldn't change a thing and look back with lots of love.
Reading your post brings back these memories and some of the hard times, more happy than sad. You are doing great and we are there with you through your blog.
Thank you for sharing : )
OMG I have something I am happy about right now, so will post it to my blog tomorrow along with 'this is' (which by the way is an inspired choice - we should all learn heaps!)
What makes me happy? Definitely writing lists about what makes me happy. In fact, I'll go write one now - thanks Amelia!
Interesting 'This Is...' topic... going to have put my thinking cap on for this one.
I've been told a million times that Seattle is the most beautiful city-unfortunately I'm in NY and its a bit challenging to get there but your photos are beautiful. Good luck with the move!
I just wanted to stop by and give you props for you this is for the week. It is a pearler and I have really picked up some good ideas on what to use.
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