I used to wear a lot of makeup. Mostly because I was very self conscious about having bad skin and well, it gave me something to hide behind. I never wore blush though - even though makeup is an artifice, I didn't like the idea of it just sitting there on my cheeks. And I had no idea how to apply it besides.
That's why I love this stuff so much. It actually stains your cheeks (and the tips of your fingers a bit - slight drawback) so it doesn't at all feel as though it is sitting on your face. Many is the time that I have been complimented on my rosy cheeks and general healthiness. If you're a bit shy of blusher as I was but need a secret lift on a grey day, I highly recommend something like this.
I'd just like to take a quick opportunity to thank Angela of Three Buttons for initiating 'This is ...' and for asking me to suggest this week's theme. I am really enjoying participating and I love the way that the topic each week makes me think about things in my own life, to sometimes see or interpret them in a different way. Do be sure to go and have a look at what some of the other participants have written about (links via Three Buttons) - I don't think that any one has come up with a secret blend of herbs and spices but there is something for almost every other taste!
Sounds great, and light. Sometimes blusher on top of foundation etc gets such a 'heavy' feel, can't wait to wash it all off after work...!
I love Origins products - they're always so light and silky. I haven't tried the blusher/stain yet but will have a look for it now!
OOooh, I think I would like to try some of that! Thank you for sharing your glowing secret.
And thank you also for my thank you :)
Angela xx
You are not alone in the clueless blusher application affliction - I never wore blusher until the last 12 months. Once one hits 40 one needs all the help one can get!
Wow this is really cool... I'm going to look into it!
I've never needed to enhance my cheeks rosiness myself. Never would have guessed you ever had bad skin either!!
i use a similar product called o-glow by smashbox {gotta love the cheeky name!}, but am always looking for new products to make me feel glowy!
nice blog too-am happy i found you;)
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