... went out one day, over the hills and far away ...
Ok, I know that it's five little ducks but I haven't embroidered any ducks so there you go. We sing a lot of songs about five, including a couple about cheeky monkeys and bumps on the head and crocodiles and ... no, I haven't embroidered any crocodiles either.
Here are the five little birds that are to be affixed to my felted jumper bag which is still hovering there in the wings, awaiting completion. Actually, I'm a tad annoyed with myself. I have managed to get into that situation of having too many things on the go at once, such that nothing is getting completed and I am feeling distinctly irritated. These birds have actually been finished for a good couple of months but I lost one for a time (it eventually turned up in a bag of knitting which I guess I had with me the same day) and that obstacle was enough to stop me from any further work on it while in the back of my mind I pondered what to do about the lost bird. Thankfully I pondered long enough that I found it, but that was a good few weeks ago now too.
Anyway, all I really need to do now is stabilise the embroidery with a bit of glue on the back of each birdie to keep all the threads in place and then it will be time indeed to affix them. I am still stuck as what to do about handles though. I would dearly like some tooled leather straps and have been searching through the handbags at thrift stores in order to recuycle some but to no avail. Maybe some wooden handles? Suggestions gratefully received!
AAAhhh, you are getting so close to completion! I cannot wait to see the finished product. Whatever happened to the belt we found at Sacred Heart on Inkerman and Hotham? I thought that was to be the handle?
1 comment:
AAAhhh, you are getting so close to completion! I cannot wait to see the finished product. Whatever happened to the belt we found at Sacred Heart on Inkerman and Hotham? I thought that was to be the handle?
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