But, truth be told, with a spare 10 minutes I would probably pluck my eyebrows. Yes, I am very fond of a nicely maintained eyebrow line. Tweezers are first thing on my list of what I would want on a desert island.
Apologies to those who were hoping to discover some amazing time-management secrets. I have received a lovely compliment just recently on my apparent endless energy (thanks Peta-Jane!) so I guess that's part of getting things done. Otherwise I just think about things a lot, think them thoroughly through and when baby bear is in bed or it's a childcare day, then it's just a case of do as much and as quickly as possible.
And lists, I do like to write lists. They help me to organise my thoughts and being organised is probably one of the great keys to good self- and time-management. The first item on your list should always be 'write a list' because no sooner have you written it than you can already cross something off and that feels soooo productive. That is, when the first item isn't tweezers.
Really??? I'm only guessing that you have bushy black eyebrows? or maintain a 1930s thin line?
I wonder if my eyebrows have just stopped growing and the hairs have migrated to my chin.....
Ooh I'm with you on this one. I too like a nice neat brow. Arched nicely to make me look wide eyed and interested!
Having dark hair I really need to keep on top of it.
I carry tweezers in my make up purse in case I find myself in a bathroom with really good light. I'd hate to be stuck with great vision but no tool.
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