Sunday, 2 January 2011


Happy New Year!!

I'm very excited to look back at what I made in 2010, check on my resolutions, and look forward into 2011. First of all what I made - the tally and break downs:

projects - 36

knit - 24
crochet - 5
sewing - 7

hats - 7
shawls/cowls/scarves - 9
adult garments - only 1!
baby/child garments - 6

things for me - 13
things for my children - 10
things for my husband - 0 (oops)
gifts - 7
charity items - 5

recycled/stash content - 31

Here's what I was thinking about a year ago:

... twice as much sewing. And this year, this year it's s-t-r-e-t-c-h; yes, I am going to come to terms with sewing knits. I now have my machine and overlocker set up side by side in my own sewing space so there are no excuses! And I'll stick with crafting from stash and reading books again.

And how have I done? Well, I completed two stretch sewing projects, a pair of underpants and the little hat and vest combo, as well as trying out some alabama projects. I'm very happy with the other sewing that I did - the baby quilt, book cover and dress were all quite complex projects for me and two of them were completely of my own design. I did lots of crafting from stash and using recycled materials and I read, I read 27 books. But as for Tim's Great Garment of 2010 - oh dear.

So, 2011. Riding high on the successes of the previous 12 months, I'm going to actually write them down. My resolutions are:

- read at least one book each month
- complete knit projects that are more than one year old: faux prussian stole, baudelaire socks, diamond mittens
- complete sewing projects that are more than one year old: doily quilt
- a garment for Tim
- craft from stash and use recycled materials

Stay tuned!


Rachel said...

The new issue of Stitch magazine out later this month is suppost to have articles on sewing knits on a regular sewing machine. I am hoping to pick up a copy as I have always been intimidated by them. I finally finished my baudelaire socks in early december, just shy of 2 years in the making. of course I didn't work on them consistantly during that time but the second went much faster then the first. (I am tobyjavin on Ravelry if you want to see them - I don't think I updated all the details yet...)

Leonie said...

That's a mother lode of projects with a new baby in your lap, Well done!
Here's to your successful completion of your resolutions for the coming year and the fulfilment of all of your non-recorded desires as well :-)